The section can be accessed by clicking the "Meeting rooms" link in the "Manage" section of the menu. It is accessible only to administrators.
Like any list in YArooms, the meeting rooms list can be filtered by using the fields in the table header.
Creating a new room
After clicking the "Add room" button the user is taken to the room creation screen.
On the "Details" tab the basic information of the room can be set. This includes Name, Capacity, Location, Room owners, Room image, Cost/hour, Income/hour and Color.
The capacity of a room is purely informative and will be displayed in the booking process.
The cost & income information can be used in the reports. By setting cost and income for an hour of room usage, the reporting tool will be aware of this information and aggregate these metrics in the report. The financial information is optional.
The color and image will be present on the schedule screen so when a room will be chosen for booking the user will know how it looks like, or will be able to find out information about it through color coding.
The "Room owners" field is the reverse of the "Room ownership" tab in the user edit window. You can select room owners for the room in question.
Last updated